dilluns, 27 de maig del 2019


On the 15th of June I'll go to Seville and the South of Portugal with my mother and my sister until the 22nd.
 On the 23rd at night I will celebrate St. Joan with my friends on the beach.
The next day I will start working for two weeks taking care of two French girls. One, aged 2 years and a half and the other  aged 4
After these two weeks I will start working at a bar until August 13. And on the 15th I'll go to Bali for two weeks with my mother, my mother's boyfriend and his daughters.
I really want to start the summer to start working, to learn languages ​​and also because I love to travel and getting to know new cultures and new people.

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Resultado de imagen de bali

dissabte, 18 de maig del 2019


- I have been to: MALTA

Describe the site:
The capital of Malta is Valletta. It is a fortified city located on a hilly peninsula between two of the finest natural harbours in the Mediterranean. The Siege of Malta in 1565 captured the European imagination and mobilised the resources needed to create the new city of Valletta, founded soon after, in 1566.

Resultat d'imatges de maltaWhat kind uwhs is it? 
Malta is a culture site 

Year of inscription in the uwhs list 
The date of inscription is in 198

-I haven't been to: Old Havana and its Fortification System

Describe the site: 

Founded about 1519 on Cuba’s north-western shore, Old Havana has maintained a remarkable unity of character through its adherence to its original urban layout. Urban plazas surrounded by many buildings of outstanding architectural merit and narrow streets lined with more popular or traditional styles permeate the historic centre of the city.

What kind uwhs is it? 
Old Havana and its Fortification System is a culture site

Year of inscription in the uwhs list
Resultat d'imatges de Old Havana and its Fortification SystemThe date of inscription is in 1982

dimecres, 8 de maig del 2019


experiences done 

  • I have seen whales in the sea. I saw the whales in Canarias, because I was on holidays with my parents and my sisters. 

  • I have witnessed a hurricane. In 2015 I was in Miami with my family and we life a hurricane. 

  • I have walked part of the way the Santiago. I made the road to Santiago with my father for 10 days.
Resultado de imagen de huracan miami
Resultado de imagen de ballenas en canarias
Resultado de imagen de camino de santiago

experiencies not done

  • I haven't travelled to Philippines yet. Going to the Philippines is my dream, but for the moment it has not been fulfilled. When I grow up, I will try to leave.

  • I haven't jumped from a parachute yet. I would like to parachute but I am afraid that something will happen to me

  • I haven't baught a car. I haven't bought any car because first of all I don't have money, and second because I am not old enough to drive

Resultado de imagen de car
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On the 15th of June I'll go to Seville and the South of Portugal with my mother and my sister until the 22nd.  On the 23rd at night I w...