dijous, 14 de març del 2019

Angles and shots

HIGH ANGLE: we can see this girl climb this montain. Whith this perspectiva one looks highter

Resultat d'imatges de photo high angle

AERIAL SHOT: In this shot we can see Bareclona. We see the famous Sagrada Familia and the buildings.

Imatge relacionada

POINT OF VIEW: In this shot we can see movement. We can see the bycicle is move

Resultat d'imatges de point of view shot

LOW ANGLE: With this perspective we can see the Eiffel Tower is very tall and very big. The people are very small compared to the Eiffel Tower.

Imatge relacionada

MEDIUM SHOT: In this perspective we can see the boy take the girl in the waist, and the background. The photograph wants to show the connection between  the two actors.

Resultat d'imatges de MEDIUM SHOT

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